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Empathy Based Interrogation Training

Mon, Nov 02


Aspen High School District Theater

EBI is an interrogation philosophy that utilizes a science based, personality-focused approach in a non-confrontational interview process.

Registration is Closed
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Time & Location

Nov 02, 2020, 8:00 AM – Nov 04, 2020, 5:00 PM

Aspen High School District Theater, 199 High School Rd, Aspen, CO 81611, USA

About the Event

EBI is an empathy-based interrogation  method that results in a non-confrontational, conversational interview  that will keep your suspects talking longer. 

Suspects often want to sell you a story – especially in sexual assault, child homicide and child abuse investigations. Traditional  interrogation methods teach investigators to dominate the interview  with interruptions and confrontation often with the sole focus being to  elicit a confession. This often shuts a suspect down and the opportunity  for leads and information is lost. EBI  teaches an interview method that lets the suspect tell their story in a  free-flowing, conversational manner, thereby developing leads and  information, in addition to confessions.

Corroboration of a crime is key to success, even when there is a confession. Giving  the prosecutor the strongest case possible increases the likelihood of  success in the courtroom. EBI instructs interviewers how to develop  corroboration strategies that will increase information, not only for  investigative leads, but also to lay a solid foundation for a prosecutor  to develop a strong cross-examination of the suspect at trial.


  • To build and keep rapport by practicing non- judgmental empathy with the suspect throughout the interview process.
  • To utilize a funnel approach, increasing open-ended questions that encourage free-flowing narratives as answers.
  • To prioritize the corroboration of your  victims’ statements before moving into more traditional theme-based  interrogation techniques.
  • To catch your suspect off guard by asking questions that “flip the perspective”.
  • To increase the likelihood in court that the interview can be defended as non-coercive and voluntarily given.
  • And more…

This training registration is managed by Aspen Police Department via a Google Form.  You can register Here: Empathy Based Interrogation

For questions regarding the training please email 

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The I-70 West Training Region is funded by the Colorado Peace Officer Standards Training Project
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